COPS Steel Challenge Nov 18, 2017
Category Leaders - RFPO

Category: Senior
FinalNameUSPSAClassDivisionTime1: Nice-N-Easy Bay 12: Showdown Bay 23: Accelerator Bay 34: Cuckoo Clock Bay 45: Speed Option Bay 56: Outer Limits Bay 107: Five To Go Bay 12
1Fletcher, LarryA11823URFPO91.106.579.6613.7613.4714.2117.3116.12
2Bowling, Royty14961URFPO92.519.5611.1512.9113.2712.8217.8614.94

Category: Super Senior
FinalNameUSPSAClassDivisionTime1: Nice-N-Easy Bay 12: Showdown Bay 23: Accelerator Bay 34: Cuckoo Clock Bay 45: Speed Option Bay 56: Outer Limits Bay 107: Five To Go Bay 12
1Raysor, OwenTY57362URFPO108.919.7412.7512.6114.1421.2923.1915.19

Generated by PractiScore for Android (1.4.15 google) at 2017-11-18 22:07 -0600