COPS SCSA Aug 18, 2018
Class Leaders - CO

Class: A
FinalNameUSPSA#ClassDivisionTime1: Roundabout2: Showdown3: Accelerator4: The Pendulum5: Speed Option6: Outer Limits7: Take Away8: 5 To Go (Bay 12)
1Hicks, Joea108097ACO123.5014.7517.1214.6617.1916.2518.168.1417.23

Class: U
FinalNameUSPSA#ClassDivisionTime1: Roundabout2: Showdown3: Accelerator4: The Pendulum5: Speed Option6: Outer Limits7: Take Away8: 5 To Go (Bay 12)
1Garrison, ShawnA109909UCO166.9217.8319.5920.6427.3219.7227.8811.8722.07

Generated by PractiScore for Android (1.5.18 google) at 2018-08-18 17:41 -0500