COPS Steel Challenge Dec 15, 2018
Class Leaders - RFPO

Class: A
FinalNameUSPSA#ClassDivisionTime1: Roundabout2: Showdown3: Accelerator4: The Pendulum5: Speed Option6: Outer Limits7: Smoke & Hope8: 5 To Go
1Hicks, Joea108097ARFPO99.3110.2110.5110.4812.6911.9016.3910.3716.76

Class: M
FinalNameUSPSA#ClassDivisionTime1: Roundabout2: Showdown3: Accelerator4: The Pendulum5: Speed Option6: Outer Limits7: Smoke & Hope8: 5 To Go
1Fletcher, LarryA11823MRFPO117.449.9412.9712.6719.3915.0819.7012.9714.72

Class: U
FinalNameUSPSA#ClassDivisionTime1: Roundabout2: Showdown3: Accelerator4: The Pendulum5: Speed Option6: Outer Limits7: Smoke & Hope8: 5 To Go
1Payne, BrianA14123URFPO91.4810.0110.559.5612.6812.7614.319.6411.97
2Howard, DanA105865URFPO94.3911.318.2812.4710.9012.9114.988.6614.88
3Delp, Bobty18990URFPO123.8812.4210.6512.5824.0017.0320.7011.8814.62

Generated by PractiScore for Android (1.5.23 google) at 2018-12-16 08:32 -0600